So far in my life one of the most difficult challenges was learning how to skateboard. First, you have to learn how to stay on the board and not fall off and get hurt. Second, you have to find what gear and what safety stuff to have. Third, you have to try to learn new tricks to get better.
First, you have to learn how to ride the board and not fall off. So you have to either get lessons or teach yourself. You have to get lessons or teach yourself. You have to get the right shoes that grip your board right. Then you have to buy the right clothes so if you fall, your clothes will help you out by not getting cuts or anything. After that, you must learn how to control you balance so you don't fall off the board.
Second, you have to find out the right gear and environment so you don't get hurt. So you probably would get the helmet and pads for your elbows and knees. Then you should get pants so if you fall you won't get cut of scratched. After that you should get long sleeve shirts for you arms.
Third, you have to start trying tricks and learn new skills. Like you have to start going for new tricks over big things so you can get better and not be scared of anything. Also you have to learn where to put your feet to do a trick and land which is really hard to learn. Then you can start to practice your tricks until you get them really good so after that you can try and learn something new.
Well, I have just told you the difficult challenge that I have learned so far in my life. And I have told you three reasons why it was so hard. First, it was how to ride the board. Second, I talked about the gear to get so you don't get hurt, and third, I told about how hard it is to learn how to do tricks.
By C. O., a middle school student
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