Some good choices determine if you are a good person or a bad person. Not a lot of people make good choices. There are a lot of people on planet earth that make choices that get them in trouble. And there are a lot of people that do not get into a lot of trouble for making a good choice. Here are reasons why people make good and bad choices. Read more to find out how good and bad choices are made.
A good choice in school is to help other people. By helping somebody with their work or homework. But only if the person helping get’s permission from the teacher. Everybody has a bucket of choices whether or not to do what ever they want.
I have made a lot of bad choices in my time of life right now even though some are not good but I have learned my lesson. I have been in this place (in school suspension) too many times. My father asked me if I wanted to graduate from school, and I told him “yes”. He replied by saying from the choices I made, I might not even make it into college.
I have made a bad choice by destroying someone else yearbook. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would to fix up all of my mistakes. I have also made a lot of good choices like to try to be good like a good girl in school for at least until the end of the school year. I have been so good that I got to go on a field trip to the Golden Gate pool. On the bus on our way to the pool we had so much fun that everyone on the bus was rocking the bus from side to side that it almost tipped over. And everybody on the bus got yelled at. Making a good choice get’s you almost everything you want if you think about it.
Now you know how to make a good or bad choice. Remember that making a good choice can get you what ever you may want in life sometimes and that a bad choice can get you in some no-good places.
By D. H., a middle school student
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