Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I think boys at my middle school are treated differently. I think this because there are more boys than girls that get into trouble.

I think boys at my middle school are treated differently. I think this because there are more boys than girls that get into trouble. Also teachers feel like girls are different and need to be treated nicer because they are girls. Another reason is that boys are treated more rough cause we’re guys.

For instance at my school they were a few girls talking in class and there were a few boys talking and the teacher immediately yelled at them. Then one of the boys said, what about those girls and the teacher said I didn’t hear them I only heard you boys. That is an example why boys are treated different.

Another reason that boys are miss treated is because when there is a boy teacher he is most likely to treat the guys better than girls and when there is a girl teacher the girls are treated nicer. Or it can be opposite when the girl teachers treat the guys different and the guy teachers treat the girls different. That is another way guys are mistreated.

There is another example is that girls punishments are different. They are not as rough because they are girls. If a boy was to the same thing as the girl did, the punishment would probably be worse than the girl’s was. For example there were two fights, two girls and two boys. The boys were suspended and got into huge trouble, and the girls were only given a slight punishment.

Well that is it, I have told you some what of what I want to tell you because if I said everything then I would be here all day. So I don’t want to get you bored so that is it about what I can say about the treatment between boys and girls.

By D. R., a middle school student

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